Role in Band: Lyricist, songwriter, vocalist, rhythm guitarist (1983-1985, 1990 - present).
Role in Band: Bassist, backup singer, songwriter, lyricist (1994 - present).
Role in Band: Lead guitarist, backup singer (1999 - present).
Currently: Liquid Spider Station, The Comrades
Role In Band: Drummer (1994-1995, 1996-1997, 1999-present)
Past Bands:Sapphire, Drag Triplets, Mind Tea, Lawn Darts
Currently: SIx To Eight MathematicS, The Comrades
Former role in Band: Lead guitarist, backup singer, songwriter (1996-1999).
Past Bands: Perverted Nerds, Gluttons For Punishment, Bulwark, The Grinknon Band, The Comrades, Shock Mobatta
Currently: Acoustic Tim
Former role in Band: Drummer (1998-1999).
Past Bands:Squiggy, The Undead, The Comrades, many others The Graveyard School
Currently: Working on musical projects and writing books!
Former role in Band: Drummer (1995-1996).
Past Bands: The Comrades, The Detrimentals, others too numerous to mention.
Currently: Solo artist who occasionally records Comrades songs.
Former role in Band: Drummer (1983-1985).
Past Bands: The Comrades, The Politburo (bass).
Andy Passed away in February 2008
Former role in Band: Songwriter, Lyricist, Lead Guitarist (1983-1985; 1990-1994).
Past Bands: The Comrades, Victims of Life.
Currently: Randy occasionally does some writing and playing but is currently not in any bands. He spends must of his free time as an advocate for autistic children.
Former role in Band: Bass Player, Songwriter, Lyricist(1983-1985).
Past Bands: The Comrades, Razor Riot, some others.
Currently: No longer playing music.